Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Home Again

I got home late last night from a whirlwind trip to Walt Disney World for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon.  Updates are to come, but for now:

* I did it!
* Andrew did it!
* It was a blast!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wine & Dine Packing List

Tomorrow, I'm Disney bound!  I have to confess, I've been thinking about packing for this race for weeks.  I'm definitely an over-packer and I like to be prepared for all eventualities.  For most vacations, that can be unnecessary.  However, for a "race-cation" it's best to be prepared.  Here's my packing list.

Wearing on the plane:
* running sneakers
* Garmin
* baseball hat

Running Gear for the Race: 
* socks
* extra set of sneakers
* sports bras
* shorts
* capris
* running shirt
* sweatyband (minnie themed, of course)
* sweat armband
* throwaway clothes

4 Days in the Parks
* socks
* swimsuit
* pj bottoms and t shirt
* easy run clothes
* disney t shirts (3)
* disney sweater
* last years W&D shirt and hoodie
* yoga pants
* jeans

* ponchos
* safety pins (usually provided, but I like to be prepared)
* watch charger
* phone charger
* race waivers
* expo coupons
* cereal
* ID/travel documents
* Magic Express ticket
* Magicband
* Cash
* wallet
* vera clutch
* string backpack
* sunglasses
* mousse, lotion, hairspray
* hair ties & clips
* deoderant
* toothbrush/paste
* makeup

Am I forgetting anything? What do you pack for a night race?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Last Week Before Wine & Dine

I can't believe it's less than one week until RunDisney's 2014 Wine and Dine Half Marathon at the Walt Disney World Resort!  I'm so excited and time is moving at a glacial pace.

However, all this nervous energy was great for my running and I had a strong week:

Monday: 3.22 Miles (9:23 pace)

Tuesday: 9.6 Miles (8:40 pace)

Wednesday: 7.24 Miles (8:40 pace)

Thursday: 1.1 Miles (9:35 pace)

Friday: 10.14 Miles (8:52 pace)

Saturday: 7.11 Miles (9:23 pace)

Sunday: 9.23 Miles (8:37 pace)

Total Weekly Mileage: 47.5 Miles
Run Streak: 188

(I'm clearly very excited about 4 days until Orlando)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My First Trip to Walt Disney World

As I keep counting down the days to my next trip to the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida (5 days!), I decided to look for some pictures from prior trips.

I'm pretty sure my first trip to Disney World was in 1991.  I don't remember much of it, as I was a toddler at the time, but the pictures are classic.

 (I'm pretty sure this picture was taken on Main Street U.S.A.)

This was the legendary Disney trip that had to be cut short because the last night of our stay, I broke out in chicken pox.  Apparently, most of my pre-school got it at the same time I did, but we had no way of knowing that. I wonder how many kids got the chicken pox because of interactions like this:
(This was taken in MGM Studios)

It was also the first family experience with the Prime Time Cafe.  We would later dine there on two subsequent trips:
(I clearly do not like being told to eat my vegetables)

My parents still tell the story about driving 22 hours straight home when they discovered I had the chicken pox.  I think this is where the family vacation curse started.  On almost every family vacation, someone gets sick or injured.  We've survived poison ivy, stomachaches, and hives.  This was the only time I was the dark cloud ---but it's where it all started.